Portugal was this year, the partner country of Hannover Messe, the most important world fair of industry and technology. Under the theme of Industrial transformation, the Augmented Humanity Project, participated in this event, integrated in the Bosch space in the Portuguese pavilion, where he had the opportunity to present the project's objectives and some of the results already achieved focused on innovative solutions for the industry 4.0and addressing the creation of more user-friendly industrial work environments..
Technologies such as Robotics, Big Data and Predictive Analytics, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), 5G connectivity, Artificial Intelligence and augmented reality are some of the technologies used in the project to create, for example, new wearables ranging from smart shoes (with sensors that give various indications about weight distribution and posture) to exoskeletons that help in more demanding tasks; use predictive analytics for Industry 4.0 to anticipate maintenance needs and optimize production lines by machine learning…
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, the Secretary of State for Digitization and Administrative Modernization, Mário Campolargo and the President of AICEP, Luís Filipe de Castro Henriques, among others, visited the space where the objectives and impact of the Augmanity project were presented
Portugal was present in Hannover with 110 companies (in a total of 2 thousand exhibitors) that had more than 75,000 visitors.
Augmanity Hannover 2022 - YouTube